Saturday, January 31, 2009

Very fascinating Facts!

Unlike all others key theorist, Howard Gardner is one of theories who is still alive. For those of you who are unaware, Howard Garnder intoduced the nine innate capabilities ( with more under study). This nine include lingustic, spatial, bodily- kinesthetic, logical- mathematical, musical intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, naturalist intelligence, and existential intelligence. Accorging to Garnder's theories, every individual possesses some degree of each of the intelligences he details but one or more of the intelligences dominates. In addition, if any one of the intelligences is of significant capacity, the result is a prodigy in that area. What is your strongest intelligence or intelligences???????


  1. I also think it's fun (and a good teaching tool) to try to apply Gardner's MI's. I'm not a prodigy in any of them, but I my strongest is perhaps linguistic. If you've ever watched me play soccer, tennis, or touch football, you know for sure it isn't bodily-kinesthetic. I wish it were music, but my efforts to play the piano suggest otherwise!

  2. I do think it is true that teachers, although some are unaware and, however unintentional it is, do teach to specific "intelligences." A creative teacher will have many more fun and, perhaps, interactive lessons for her students and, will in turn, be able to develop activities to gauge students' attention. Teachers are required to connect to other subjects and thus, making it easier for students to see its relation in other areas.

    Thanks, Shira for your post! :)

  3. Thanks Shira for pointing to the 9 Multiple Intelligences. It is very important that teachers should know about their studentss MI, so that they can detremine what teaching methods they should follow. It is very helpful to know your students' MI. Personally, I am a bodily Kinesthetic Learner, and a naturalist learner also!!
